SSL Certificate Is Important For Your Company Website

SSL Certificate Is Important For Your Company Website

As internet evolves, the solutions for better protection of websites increases and so does the creativity of cyber-criminals. Organizations like Google have been working toward making the web a safer place. This is done by encouraging website owners to use the HTTPS protocol that ensures the data sent from your computer to the site you’re browsing is encrypted and securely transmitted.

What Is An SSL Certificate?

Having an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) ensures that the sensitive data of your website’s visitors will be transferred over a secure network. Today, getting an SSL certificate is much easier because there are initiatives to provide them for free and have made their installation super simple. Your Preferred Host supports this initiative and provide with FREE SSL certificates to all their clients.

Is It Important To Have An SSL Certificate?

If you still need convincing, here are several important reasons:

  • Increasing site security: SSL certificates will protect the sensitive data transmitted from and to your website. Such information can be login details, signups, addresses and payment or personal information. SSL certificates will encrypt the connection and help protect your visitors’ data from being misused by attackers.
  • Safety for all your subdomains: A specific type of SSL certificate known as a Wildcard lets you secure your main site and all its subdomains (like blog.yourdomain.com or shop.yourdomain.com) with one single SSL certificate. That’s especially useful if you are a business owner or if you maintain large websites with several subdomains. With a standard SSL, you’ll have to install separate certificates for each of your subdomains.
  • Credibility and trust for your customers: A significant benefit of SSL certificates is the fact that they will help you gain visitors’ trust. Your website will be displayed with a security padlock in the address bar of the browser. This indicates that the connection is secure and will show your website’s visitors that you take their privacy seriously. If your website doesn’t have a certificate, some browsers may label it as “unsafe.”

In conclusion, the benefits of activating SSL certificates for your business or personal websites are incredible, and Your Preferred Host has made it easy for you since it is included with your hosting plan automatically. This adds an extra layer of security for your website visitors and gain their trust.

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